
Online reviews are a great way for potential customers to learn about your business. 90% of customers check online reviews before purchasing a product or service. So, your small business online reviews are important to its success. But how can you convince customers to leave online reviews?

This guide will cover how to get online reviews for your small business, including: 

  • Making your reviews accessible 
  • Convincing customers to leave reviews
  • Engaging with reviews to improve your business 

Making your reviews accessible 

If you wonder how to get online reviews for your small business, you’ll first need to make those reviews accessible to the public. This way, people will be more likely to leave a review. 

There are several places people usually leave reviews, so you may want to make them all accessible. Still, try focusing on one of these platforms so most of your reviews are in the same place.

Update popular review platforms 

Google is one of the most popular places for people to search for businesses. It’s also easy for people to leave and find reviews on Google. These reviews are linked to Google Maps so people can scan your reviews when searching for businesses nearby. 

To get these reviews, claim your Google business profile and update it with helpful information like: 

  • Address
  • Shop hours 
  • Phone number 
  • Email 
  • Website
  • Photos  

If a business page lacks information or looks outdated, viewers may not find it reliable. 

Other popular review sites are Yelp and TrustPilot. You can create and update your business profiles on these sites as well. 

Use your small business platforms 

Aside from review platforms, you can focus on getting reviews on your social media and website. For example, you can add a reviews section to your Facebook page, or ask people to like the page. 

You could also connect review sites to your small business website. You can promote good reviews by adding them to your website homepage. 

Target sites relevant to your business 

Make your business accessible on review platforms that reach your target audience. For example, TripAdvisor offers reviews to travellers. This makes it a good place to add small businesses like restaurants, inns, boutique shops, and activities. 

Convincing customers to leave reviews 

So, how do you get online reviews for your small business? There are a few ways you can convince customers to leave their thoughts about your business. 

Remind customers where to find you

To get more reviews, make it as easy as possible to leave one. You’ll want to remind customers to find you online. You could do this by putting your social media handles on display or putting a Yelp sticker on the store window. You can also promote the reviews on your website.  

Prioritise customer service

If you want good reviews for your business, you’ll need to put customer service first. You can do this by being friendly and accommodating. Consider how you can make the customer’s experience as pleasant as possible.

You can also add extras to your services, such as gift-wrapping. If you ship products, throw in something extra like a discount for their next purchase. You can also introduce loyalty programs and sales. The more customers enjoy your business, the more likely they are to leave a review. 

Ask for reviews 

Don’t be afraid to ask customers to review your business. Customers may not think to do it on their own. You can do this by asking in person and handing out cards that remind customers to leave a review.  

You can design cards consistent with your brand using platforms like Canva. Make sure you include all the necessary information. You can also add a QR code on the card so customers can easily access the review page. 

Offer incentives 

You can get more reviews for your small business if you offer incentives or prizes. For example, you could offer candy with review cards. You could also offer a small discount for those who have left a review.  

You could also enter the names of those who leave reviews into a giveaway. You can offer the winner a gift card, gift basket, or complimentary service. By offering something in return for the review, customers might be more willing to leave their thoughts. 

Engaging with reviews to improve business 

Once you know how to get online reviews for your small business, you’ll want to use those reviews to promote and improve your business. 

Track and respond to reviews 

Try to read and respond to your reviews. You can thank those who leave good reviews and respond to questions. This will encourage others to leave reviews and buy from your business. 

What to do about bad reviews 

As you get more reviews, you may get some negative feedback. Instead of worrying these reviews will turn people away from your business, try to learn from them. Think of your reviews as a suggestion box that you can use to grow and improve your business. 

When you receive customer complaints, respond to them kindly and respectfully. Answer any concerns or respond to any misunderstandings. This will show that you care about your customers and what they think. 

Organise your finances with a simple app

Once your business reviews bring in more customers, you’ll need to manage your finances. Thousands of business owners use the Countingup app to make their financial admin easier. 

Countingup is the business current account with built-in accounting software that allows you to manage all your financial data in one place. With features like automatic expense categorisation, invoicing on the go, receipt capture tools, tax estimates, and cash flow insights, you can confidently keep on top of your business finances wherever you are. 

You can also share your bookkeeping with your accountant instantly without worrying about duplication errors, data lags or inaccuracies. Seamless, simple, and straightforward! 

Find out more here.

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